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Holistic Occupational Therapy

About Us.

OT Inspire provides personalised, holistic approach to disability and mental health therapeutic services to children, adolescents and adults throughout the Northern Territory and surrounding areas.


Finding brighter futures.

We specialise in assessment and intervention through a person-centred evidence-based approach and are passionate about helping you or your family to reach your potential. 

 If you have found yourself here at OT Inspire’s online home, welcome. Please stay as long as you need and settle in with a cuppa and a moment to breathe. 

At OT Inspire, we feel therapy can sometimes feel clinical and impersonal. This is not our approach. Our unique practice embraces a holistic approach to wellness, acknowledging the importance of all aspects of our occupational wellbeing- including emotional, physical, mental and social parts of ourselves. 


“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney