OT Inspire specialise in holistic occupational therapy. We provide assessment, intervention and evaluation of children, adolescents and adults.


Our Services.


OT Inspire specialise in holistic Occupational therapy. We provide assessment, intervention and evaluation of children, adolescents and adults. OT Inspire work alongside you to develop mental wellbeing, emotional, cognitive, sensory, mobility and psychosocial skills in a supportive and enriching environment. 

Therapeutic services specialise in primarily disability and mental health services.


Children & Adolescent Therapy

Occupational therapy can assist families and children to develop emotional wellbeing, social skills, fine motor skills (handwriting), emotional regulation, attention/concentration, independence in life skills and assist with co-regulation as a family unit. Therapeutic intervention may also include self care skills related to toileting, dressing and sleep hygiene. We understand that therapy needs to align with family values and involve parents sessions to empower you in your child’s therapeutic intervention leading to improved outcomes.

Therapy sessions can be home based, school based or community based.


Adult Therapy

OT Inspire work with you to assist you to reach your full potential and your goals.

We work to assist to improve independence in activities of daily living, mobility, self esteem, self confidence and manage stress or mood symptoms. As an occupational therapist we take a holistic approach and therapy or assessment can include home modifications, assistive technology, functional assessment, workplace assessment or independent living assessment.



Therapeutic Consulting

Sometimes ongoing therapy is not accessible and an organisation may benefit from a group information or education session to assist many people. Consultancy or education sessions can be provided in a variety of locations. Please contact us to discuss this further so we can best meet your individual needs.


Online Courses

OT Inspire also provide a variety of online courses to assist you to further develop your individual skills in the comfort of your own home. We currently offer the following courses:  

Raising Resilient and Connected Kids! 

A six week online program for parents providing tools and strategies to empower your parent-child relationship. Designed to help empower you to build resilience, healthy coping strategies, self esteem and building connective relationships within your family.


A four week online program for children aged 10- 13 working on helpful coping strategies, empowering self confidence and positive self esteem. Can be used alongside a therapeutic program. Chat to us about funding options!


Clinical Supervision

We know how difficult your first few years as a new graduate can be!

OT Inspire love offering clinical supervision, finding a supervisor who aligns with your beliefs and holds space for learning, is invaluable. We also offer practicum placements in Central Australia and on our therapeutic camps. 

Please contact us directly to see about our current clinical supervision opportunities. 

Rural & Remote Services

Ot inspire is committed to providing an outreach service to remote and rural areas across the Northern Territory and across Australia. We are committed to providing services in an effective and sustainable model- suitable to individual needs.

OT Inspire not only offers face to face community outreach but also provides effective online therapy services using videoconferencing technology. We provide families and children access to therapy at a location that suits, at a time that suits.

OT Inspire offers a selection of therapeutic courses online, to enable families and clinical supervision to have 24/7 assistance when they require it in hard to reach areas.