Outdoor Play

Between school, homework and the busy lives we lead today, outdoor play can often be overlooked!

Outdoor play is almost always one of our therapeutic recommendations.

Why you ask?


Outdoor play can help with:

  • Creativity: Being outdoors in nature can help with imagination and free play, leading too creativity in our every day habits.

  • Curiosity: The wonderful landscape we live in also helps with curiosity, learning and experiencing different environments.

  • Sleep Hygiene: Being outdoors helps us to regulate our sleep and wake cycle!

  • Sensory Play: Outdoor play often involves heavy work benefits which help to keep us regulated and “just right”!

How can we incorporate outdoor play?

  • Going for a family walk outside as the day is cooling down to help us unwind

  • Outdoor Hopscotch! Get involved with a few families on your street!

  • Gardening- growing your own fruits and vegetables helps little ones to learn about responsibility and self care as well!

  • Outdoor Yoga, always better grounded with the earth

  • A family picnic- our favourite way to catch up!

What are your favourite ideas for outdoor play? Please share below so we can all learn from each other! xx


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