Relationships, Boundaries and Adolescence

Relationships are so hard in our teenage years! Dealing with hormones, emotions, relationship status, crushes, social media and multiple chat platforms- there is so much more to consider!


We all want to make sure our teenagers are navigating safe boundaries within their relationships, but often are unsure of how to approach or provide education around this. One of the best things we can do within the home is to provide education and experience in what a safe environment feels like. An environment that respects our personal boundaries. An environment that allows us to feel secure, loved and nurtured.

Talking to your teens about what it feels like when we are in a safe environment (to be loved, trust those around us, feel comfortable) compared to when we feel we are in an unsafe environment (nervous, upset, restless) can help us to identify the body and mind signs between the two.

Having these healthy conversations, also provides a safe space to encourage your teen to talk to you about healthy relationships and safe boundaries. Allowing teens to begin to identify between the two- can also help them begin to transfer this learning to other situations with friends or at school, and feel more confident in their abilities to navigate social situations.

Encouraging your teen to pay attention to how situations make them feel helps them to understand them that they are the most important person when it comes to the boundaries and consent of their own relationships.


The Autonomic Nervous System


Outdoor Play